The 10 Most Terrifying Things About Pocket Sprung Double Mattress > 공지사항

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The 10 Most Terrifying Things About Pocket Sprung Double Mattress

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작성자 Cier… 작성일24-08-26 00:18 조회2,405회 댓글0건


oyt-double-mattress-double-memory-foam-mThe Benefits of a Pocket Spring Double mattress double sale

A pocket sprung double mattress has springs individually encased, each adapted to your body's shape to provide precise support. They also reduce motion transfer when sharing the bed.

The number of springs, which ranges from 1000 to 2000 per kingsize - isn't as important as spring tension and the natural fillings which house them.


A pocket sprung mattress uses hundreds, or even thousands, of tiny springs which are wrapped in pockets of fabric. Each spring is able to work independently, giving the mattress a bouncy feel. This also means that the mattress is more effective in taking pressure off your body and can help to ease back pain. In general, the higher the spring count the firmer the mattress.

The pocket springs are topped with a range of fillings such as wool blends, cotton and natural fibres like horse hair, alpaca and bamboo. They provide different degrees of softness and are held in place with hand-stitched tufts. This gives an exquisite and luxurious feel to your mattress. Some mattresses feature the use of memory foam, which provides additional comfort and support.

We have a wide range of different sizes of double mattresses that are pocket-sprung, including single, small double, standard double, super king and king. We also offer a range of fillings, spring counts and natural fibres, such as silk, horsehair, and cotton, that can be used to meet various budgets.

Contrary to open coil mattresses double for sale the individual springs of a pocket-sprung mattress work to minimise movement transfer from your partner, meaning you can enjoy a comfortable night's


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